Friday, July 4, 2008

Improvements are Made - July 4

Well the construction week has come to an end. We accomplished a lot of our goals this week but we have a lot more to do next week.

Landscaping has started and is looking very nice. I think the trees and rock landscaping loog great. One small problem is that when planting the second tree we knocked over the water valve and broke the water line. As we worked to repair the first break we caused a second leak and the next thing we knew we had been trying to repair the water line all day. Night time came and we still had no water. Finally, at about 10:00 PM Thursday night, after many failed attempts we used enough glue, parts, clamps, and chewing gum to get it to hold until a plumber can get here on Monday.

The footings for Cabin 6 were poured and are ready for foundation. The foundation for the pool house is complete and ready for the cement floor.

The swimming pool contractor continues to make progress with the rough plumbing.

The parking lot is open once again and is fairly graded.

The road to the fishing pond is outstanding. It is the nicest it has ever been. You can easily take a car to the ponds.

We start again on Monday. First priority is to repair the plumbing. We will then begin to work on the pool house.

More next week. Have a great holiday weekend.


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